A suggested visual for the first Horseman (the Conquerer) and his White Horse as revealed in Revelation 6.
To download the images:
1) Click the image to select it
2) Right button mouse click the image and select "save image as"
A suggested visual for the pillars of Solomon's Temple, Jachin and Boaz
A suggested visual of the Throne in Heaven (and context) of Revelation 4-5.
PDF documentation walks through my visual choices and the Bible description and also covers the basics of my workflow for designing this image.
Those interested can also find breakout images and documentation for the Cherubs, Lamb, and Seven-Sealed Scroll.
Two possible models for the seven-sealed scroll of Revelation 5-8. This art is intended for teaching and presenting purposes.
The two models presented both make certain assumptions that affect how one reads the majority of the book of Revelation. For more on why this consideration is important, please review my documentation PDF below.
The Lamb | Revelation 5
A visual interpretation of the Lamb, the "Lion of the Tribe of Judah." This art is intended for teaching and presenting purposes.
Please read my documentation for a better understanding of the research I did to arrive at my visual choices!
A visual interpretation of the four living creatures of Revelation 4. This art is intended for teaching and presenting purposes.
Eagle Cherub | Revelation 4
A visual interpretation of the Eagle Cherub of Revelation 4. This art is intended for teaching and presenting purposes.
Man Cherub | Revelation 4
A visual interpretation of the Man Cherub of Revelation 4. This art is intended for teaching and presenting purposes.
Ox Cherub | Revelation 4
A visual interpretation of the OxCherub of Revelation 4. This art is intended for teaching and presenting purposes.
Lion Cherub | Revelation 4
A visual interpretation of the Lion Cherub of Revelation 4. This art is intended for teaching and presenting purposes.
The Bronze Laver
A visual interpretation of the Bronze Laver from Exodus 30. This art is intended for teaching and presenting purposes.
Compare with the Bronze Sea of Solomon's Temple here!
The Altar of Burnt Offering
A visual interpretation of the Altar of Burnt Offering from Exodus 27. This art is intended for teaching and presenting purposes.
For a study guide on the Sacrifices and Offerings of the Law of Moses, please check out this page!