The Altar of Incense
Two similar suggestions for a visual interpretation of the Altar of Incense from Exodus 30. This art is intended for teaching and presenting purposes.
To download the images:
1) Click the image to select it
2) Right button mouse click the image and select "save image as"
Two similar suggestions for a visual interpretation of the Altar of Incense from Exodus 30. This art is intended for teaching and presenting purposes.
A suggested visual for the Table of Showbread from Exodus 25. This art is intended for teaching and presenting purposes.
A suggested visual for the Table of Showbread from Exodus 25. This art is intended for teaching and presenting purposes.
Suggested presentation art for the vision of the Ram and Goat of Daniel chapter 8.
Please read artist's notes & contextual documentation below:
A second version of Nebuchadnezzar's Image/ vision from Daniel 2. Find the first version of the presentation image here. Artist's documentation and gallery below.
A suggested visual for the four creatures of Daniel 7. This art is intended for teaching and presenting purposes.
A suggested visual for the four headed and winged leopard mentioned in Daniel 7. This art is intended for teaching and presenting purposes.
A suggested visual for the bear with three ribs in its mouth mentioned in Daniel 7. This art is intended for teaching and presenting purposes.
A suggested visual for the terrible fourth beast mentioned in Daniel 7. This art is intended for teaching and presenting purposes.
A suggested visual for the lion mentioned in Daniel 7. This art is intended for teaching and presenting purposes.
A suggested visual for the golden cherubim of Solomon's temple. This art is intended for teaching and presenting purposes.
A suggested visual appropriate for a children's Sunday School lesson for baby Moses, Exodus 2. Sizing and resolution should be sufficient for any print needs (Print is 11x17 poster in button below).