Chart | Timelines of the Book of Revelation

How do Revelation 11, Revelation 17-19:10, and Revelation 20 fit into the narrative structure of the book? One suggestion is these chapters/ sections are parenthetical; that the
Great Red Dragon and the Beast from the Bottomless Pit are the same
creature in two distinct time periods, with John relating these titles to denote when the dragon takes specific actions (the Great Red Dragon before the 1000
years, and Beast from the Bottomless Pit after).
This is a visual elucidation on how that might work (without any symbolic/ historical interpretation).
As usual, if the subject interests you, we strongly encourage individual study on this matter. Views on this chart are not certain and should not be taken as definitive.
As usual, if the subject interests you, we strongly encourage individual study on this matter. Views on this chart are not certain and should not be taken as definitive.
1/6/25 UPDATE: We've added in a suggestion for the timeline location of the first resurrection. We suggest that Rev 20 refers to the reign of those in the first resurrection (20:5) but not the resurrection itself. The phrase "But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished" appears to be parenthetical.
The first resurrection seems to happen in Revelation 14-15, with the united bodies of Moses and the Lamb (Old and New Testament believers) singing together (Revelation 15:1-5) immediately before the vials/bowls of wrath are poured out.