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Download current collections of Bible activities. More to come soon!

The Idea: Color and reveal the dramatic scene that transpires causing Joseph to reveal himself to his brethren. Unroll the paper strip to show whose sack contains Joseph's silver cup! For young students (target 4-7 yr olds).

The Idea: Color and discuss the 12 sons of Jacob. Learn about their mothers and the meanings behind their names! For young students (target 4-7 yr olds).

The Idea: Review the story of Jacob and Esau, and show the trade of Esau's birthright for a bowl of red lentil stew.... For young students (target 4-7 yr olds).

The Idea: Discuss the role of faith in the journey of Abraham's servant- (and Rebekah's!) in the uniting of Isaac and Rebekah. Color and cut the craft to create a simple diorama that reveals the sequence of events that brought them together. For young students (target 4-7 yr olds).

The Idea: Flip between a before and after view of the destruction of Sodom while Lot and (part of) his family escape! . For young students (target 4-7 yr olds).

Download instructions and printable project sheet below!

The Idea: Review the symbolic events on Mount Moriah that point forward to the sacrifice of Christ. For young students (target 4-7 yr olds).

Download instructions and printable project sheet below!

Color and/or connect the map locations in the right order to show an overview of the travels of Abram. Open the door on the map to reveal God's promises made to Abram in Genesis 12! For young students (target 4-7 yr olds).

Download instructions and printable project sheet below!