Craft | Samson's End
The Idea: Help Samson defeat the Philistines in this house of cards-like craft.. For young students (target 4-7 yr olds).
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1) Click the image to select it and... 2) Right button mouse click the image and select "save image as"
The Idea: Help Samson defeat the Philistines in this house of cards-like craft.. For young students (target 4-7 yr olds).
The Idea: The chariots of Iron are on the move... until they get stuck in the mud! Craft what Deborah and Barak witnessed, as God delivered Israel from a deadly foe. For young students (target 4-7 yr olds).
The Idea: Create your own torch and jar to scare the Midianites with Gideon! Don't forget your call (and a trumpet... if you have one handy)! For young students (target 4-7 yr olds).
The Idea: Raise Joshua's javelin to prompt the ambush at Ai! For young students (target 4-7 yr olds).
The Idea: Create a simple diorama showing the beginning of the miraculous crossing of the Jordan River. For young students (target 4-7 yr olds).