"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."

Psalm 119:105

This site was established to distribute free quality Bible study/ presentation resources to Bible students and teachers. All imagery, studies, and children's activities are free for non-profit/ non-commercial use and are intended for Bible study and presentation.

Though this site is nominally a ".com," it is not a company, has no mailing lists, runs no ads, has no paywalls for content, and is not seeking donations. All materials here have been created and financed internally. This is free work for your Bible studies with no strings attached.

This site endeavors to be as Biblically accurate as possible with all study materials. Please email the admin address below if you see any notable Scriptural discrepancies so that updates and corrections can be made! Please note that visual and prophetic interpretations as shown on this site are meant to elucidate specific schools of thought, and should not be viewed as definitive endorsements of any particular view or argument.

This site is still fairly young and there's still lots of work to create and post! Please check back regularly for new content. This site and all its work are exclusively designed, written, and maintained by Br Andrew Johnson of the Christadelphian community.

To learn more about the work on this site, ask questions, make suggestions, or learn more about the Christadelphian understanding of Scripture, please reach out at any time via the contact information or visit the links listed below.

Thank you very much for visiting. God grant you clarity, wisdom, understanding, and blessing as you study the endless beauty and wonder of His Word!

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See also: